Let’s find the perfect name for your little Merlin or Mathilda. This medieval name generator will equip you with medieval names from Old Norse, Old Roman, Old Old Celtic, and Old English cultures. You could use their names for inspiration-or draw from our list of medieval baby names below. It was also the era of William the Conqueror, Dante, King Arthur, and his Queen Guinevere, Robin Hood, Joan of Arc, Isabella of France, and many other famous historical figures. It included the rise and fall of empires, huge changes in how and where people lived, and the formation of Europe.

The Middle Ages, or the medieval era, was a long part of human history, lasting from about the fifth to the fifteenth century. While names like Odelgarde and Cathasach are definitely on the cards if that’s what you’re looking for, there are also heaps of cool and unusual medieval names that feel like a good fit for the 21st century. If you’re looking for Old English names, this Old English name generator is built to be a starting point Each name is computer-generated and we encourage you to do further research on naming traditions and meanings for your exact region. Acha f Pictish, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval Scottish The name of a Deiran princess who later married king elfri of Bernicia. Abigall f Medieval Scottish, Romani (Archaic) Medieval Scottish form of Abigail. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.

Medieval names don’t have to sound like they’ve come straight out of, well, the Middle Ages. Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Our list of medieval baby names for your new arrival is sure to inspire. Medieval Names for Men Adam Adelard Aimery/Amaury/Emory Alphonse Aglovale Alan Albert Aldred Alexander Alisander (a variation of Alexander) Amis Anselm Arnold Arthur Balin (fantasy writers probably remember that this is also the name of a dwarf in J.R.R.

The Middle Ages offers some magical names for your little one.